
Look up Deedy in Websters Dictionary and you will see the following definition - \Deed"y\, a. Industrious; active. [R.] --Cowper. But to me Deedy is simply my last name and not a very common one at that. My Father always said "find yourself in a strange city? Open a phone book, find a Deedy and give them a call - chances are they are a relative." So, for all the Deedy's out there hello and welcome.

Deedy Square in Worcester

While continuing my research at the Worcester Public Library, I came across a clipping file dedicated to John J. Deedy. Included in the file was the following article: 300 at Dedication of Deedy Square. Below are some snippets from the article:
Worcester Telegram
July 15, 1946

300 at Dedication of Deedy Square

More than 300 attended the dedication of Deedy square - Montrose street and Euclid avenue - named yesterday afternoon for First Lt. John J. Deedy of 78 Fairfax road, killed in World War II.

The dedication was sponsored by Admiral Ralph Earle Post United American Veterans, of which Lt. Deedy was an organizer and senior vice-commander before he entered the service in January, 1941.


Awarded Bronze Star

Lt. Deedy was a member of the Common Council and Ward 6 state representative when he entered the service, with the federalized 181st Inf., M.N.G. in January, 1941. He was commissioned a lieutenant in the National Guard after serving as private and sergeant in Co. A.

He later was transferred to the 4th (Ivy Leaf) Division and took part in the invasion of France. In June, 1944, he was wounded in France and returned to an Army base hospital in England where he died on July 28, 1944.

Lt. Deedy was awarded the Bronze Star posthumously for meritorious service in France.
Next time I am in Worcester, I will need to seek out this square and take a look!


1 Responses to “Deedy Square in Worcester”

  1. # Blogger sophrosyne

    Thank you for showing my dad's square. Mom spoke of it and I probably saw it as a child. There should be a VFW Post named after him, also. Mom, as a former Army nurse (WWII & Korea), became a school nurse in Boston. She was the Chaplain for the American Legion, Joyce Kilmer Post. Every Memorial Day, She & I used to put little flags on the graves. As a child, the gun salute used to scare me. Taps sounded so sad. Mom had PTSD, esp. after the Gulf War. She'd wake up at 3 AM and see every body bag, every face, every wound. God bless our military, esp. the medical corps.  

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