
Look up Deedy in Websters Dictionary and you will see the following definition - \Deed"y\, a. Industrious; active. [R.] --Cowper. But to me Deedy is simply my last name and not a very common one at that. My Father always said "find yourself in a strange city? Open a phone book, find a Deedy and give them a call - chances are they are a relative." So, for all the Deedy's out there hello and welcome.

Know of any Deedy's in Dingle?

Every so often an email is sent to me after someone comes across this blog. Usually I can figure out if the person contacting me is a relation or not. But this latest query has me a bit befuddled. While Deedy is a very uncommon last name, it is not 100% unique to my family. The following email arrived today from England:

I love your website, so much work has gone in to it, it is a pleasure to see.

My paternal grandmother was Norah/Noreen Deedy from Dingle in County Kerry Ireland. She was one of four daughters of ? Deedy, a fisherman from Dingle. My grandmother emigrated to Boston and worked there in service to a wealthy Jewish family for something like 12 years, she married Gerald/Gerry Sheehan in Boston and returned to Ireland in the early/mid 1930s, she never returned to Boston. She lived the rest of her life in Coombaha, Co Kerry, Ireland.

If you have any knowledge of my Grandmother or her relatives I would love to find out more about her.

Kind regards

R. G.
Oxford UK
If any of the above sounds familiar or if you are researching any Deedy's from Dingle please let me know and I will connect you with R.G. from Oxford to discuss...


1 Responses to “Know of any Deedy's in Dingle?”

  1. # Anonymous Shaun Deedy

    Our family is from Firies which is just a few miles from Dingle. Nora is a common name in our family. See the family tree in my reunion presentation.

    Given the above and the small number of Deady/Deedy families in Ireland my guess is that there probably is a relation.

    Our Family in Firies, Connie McCarthy, John McCarthy, & Kathleen McCarthy would be the best ones to ask.

    Cousin Shaun  

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