
Look up Deedy in Websters Dictionary and you will see the following definition - \Deed"y\, a. Industrious; active. [R.] --Cowper. But to me Deedy is simply my last name and not a very common one at that. My Father always said "find yourself in a strange city? Open a phone book, find a Deedy and give them a call - chances are they are a relative." So, for all the Deedy's out there hello and welcome.

2008 Gathering Recap Cemetery Tour

Before the main event at the DCU Center, a group gathered at St. John's Cemetery to view the various family graves. The tour was lead by my Father, Tom Deedy who was assisted by my Niece, Priscilla Briggs. You can view photos of the tour by clicking here.


2008 Gathering Recap

The September 7, 2008 Gathering of the McDonough's and Deedy's was a great success! I had a wonderful time meeting everyone. In fact I had too good of a time and forgot to take any pictures! Skip Roosevelt was kind enough to send me some of the photos he took of the day. But if others seeing this note have pictures please send them to me and I will add them to the 2008 Gathering Gallery. Update: Patty also sent me more photos which arrived today - Thank you Patty!

During the event we had six wonderful presentations. Many have asked for copies. Here are four of the six for you to read. I will work on getting the other two and post them once they are available.

The Deady's of Firies, Ireland and Uxbridge, MA by Clare Tozeski
Deady Farm by Shaun Deedy
Annie Donovan by Jane Deedy
One View Street letter by Paul read by Skip Roosevelt
My Grandparents by Tom Deedy
Jack Barry by Conal Deedy


More Gathering Updates

The final details with the DCU Center were completed today. Here is the diagram (click on image to view larger) of the new larger Jr. Ballroom where we will be meeting. You will notice that we have ten tables with eight seats each. There will be no assigned seating and I hope people will be moving around a lot and table hop as we mingle (well, maybe not during the presentations!). Just outside the room is a long/large hallway where smaller tables will be set-up. This will give people a chance to step outside the larger room to mingle in smaller groups (I am not sure how loud the main space will get). So we have lots of room to spread out.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a cemetery map and instructed you to print it out. Well, additional graves have been brought to my attention. Here is the updated cemetery map. Please print this new version out and bring it with you!


Gathering Update

As of today, Friday August 29, I have a headcount of 81. My absolute deadline for the DCU Center is Monday September 1 - I have to have my final payment in the mail and at that point the count will be locked (no more additions or subtractions).

Our current count of 81 means we have officially outgrown the original meeting room and I have now upgraded us to the Jr. Ballroom. It is located on the 3rd floor of the DCU Center, and as you can see in the image (click on image to see larger) the Jr. Ballroom is tucked around a corner. There should be signs to direct you, but just in case I thought I would post the diagram.

You should be able to park on the street around the center (I have been told that parking meters are free on Sunday) or in either of the two nearby parking garages (directions and parking info here). There is a drop-off area at the main entrance to the center and accessable parking spaces are nearby and marked.

Note: Some people on the maternal side of my family (Sullivan for example) have contacted me about this Gathering. Just to be clear, this is for the paternal side of my family (McDonough's, Deedy's and those that branch from there). I apologize if my posts about the Sullivan's and Austin's caused any confusion. More Sullivan, Austin, (and other branches) information will be forth coming and a Gathering just for that side will be planned sometime in the future.


St. John's Cemetery Map

Just a few more weeks until the September 7th Gathering and I am working hard to get everything I need to accomplish done. If I seem to be slowing down on my blog posts that is because I am busy preparing for the event. Don't worry, I will have lots more family history findings to share once things calm down a bit.

If you are coming to the Gathering, a morning tour of the St. John's Cemetery is planned at 9:00 AM. This will be before the 10:00 AM event start at the DCU Center. Since both the McDonough's and the Deedy's lived in Worcester, many family member graves can be found at St. John's Cemetery. As time passes, we can sometimes forget just where everyone is resting. I created this St. John's Cemetery Map to mark the family graves I am aware of. Please print out the map and bring it with you.

The cemetery is located on a busy street near an active intersection. I provided some directions on the print-out, but you may want to MapQuest specific directions from your starting point and follow those.

I have asked my Father, Tom Deedy, to lead the tour. I may or may not be there depending on how much set-up is required at the DCU center. The tour will start at #1 on the map and continue around the cemetery, ending at #7. Some graves are within easy walking distance of each other, while others will require you to drive. Try to carpool if you can to minimize the number of vehicles and remember to wear sensible shoes.

At each grave we plan to lay flowers, say a small prayer, and share any information or stories about those interred. If you are aware of any graves I have missed, please let me know!


Gathering Update

The reply cards have been flowing in all week. As you can see on the sidebar of this website, I have a confirmed head count of 47 (based solely on the number reported in reply cards) as of Sunday, July 27. I know from emails that more of you are planning on attending, so I assume this number will continue to rise over the next few weeks. Based on my preliminary count and guessing at some additional numbers based on email reports, I provided an initial headcount of 56 to the DCU center on July 15th (when I sent in the payment for the room rental). They in turn provided me with the above diagram of how the room will be laid out (you can click on image to see larger).

My next deadline for the DCU center is August 18th, when I need to send in my deposit for the buffet. I can continue to add people up until about Sept. 1 when I really have to lock in the room count and send in the final payment for the buffet.

If at some point the headcount rises so much that we have to move to a larger room, that is fine - I would just hope we can get that settled sooner rather than later. So if you are still waiting to return your reply card because you are not yet sure if you can come - you still have time. Just please try to get it back to me before August 15 if possible.

I chose the "Saratoga" brunch package, since I felt it had the best selection to appeal to both kids as well as adults. If anyone feels that it is lacking something let me know, I can add to the selection if needed.
Brunch Menu

Egg & cheese croissant sandwiches
Cured bacon & pork sausage
Cinnamon French toast with pecan streusel and warm syrup
Individual cereals & assorted milks
Seasonal sliced fruit display
Ever changing mix of breakfast quick breads and assorted French pastries
On tables:
Water pitchers & glasses
Coffee carafes
Chilled Juices


First Volunteer Presenter!

I am very excited to announce that I have my first volunteer presenter for the Worcester gathering! Clare T. has done some amazing research into the Deedy (or more properly Deady) branch of the family. My Great-Grandfather and her Grandmother were first cousins and we share the common direct line ancestors Edmund Deady and Bridget Thompson.

I am still looking for volunteers - you can pick any person or topic you think would be of interest to the group (and it can be short). My Father and I will speak as well, but we are waiting to pick our topics until all of the reply cards are back.

On another note, I am still looking for more information about the Loftus and McDonough families - preferably something that can help me trace them back to specific cities or towns in England and Ireland. I am also looking for the location of Patrick Loftus (Mary Loftus McDonough's Father) grave site or headstone. I know he was in Worcester in 1900 living with Mary, but I have not been able to track him after that - so any additional information or clues would be helpful.

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2008 Gathering Update

I know that I am horribly late getting the invitations out for the Sept. 7, 2008 gathering in Worcester. But I am printing them out now and working on them - I promise! They should be in the mail very soon.

I have finally picked the venue - we will be meeting in the DCU Center in Worcester. They have smaller meeting rooms on the 3rd floor of the center (accessible via elevators) so we will be up there - not on the main exhibit hall. There will be a brunch buffet served and hopefully that will work for all who are planning on attending.

More details will be in the invitations.


Gathering in Worcester

I would like to plan a gathering later this spring or summer in Worcester, MA to hopefully have a chance to meet some of the many cousins and other relatives who have contacted me after finding this blog. After much thought, Worcester seemed the best central meeting point and here is my proposed draft agenda:

Morning: Visit to graveyard to lay flowers at the many family graves

Noon: Lunch

Afternoon: Gather to show off any family photos, swap stories, or just generally get to know each other.

So there you have it, a pretty simple plan. I can already guarantee that I will be there with my parents (Tom and Sue Deedy). If no one else is interested, this will be a fairly easy day to plan! However, if you are a descendant of the McDonough’s or the Deedy’s and would like to attend please send me an email at or leave a comment below with your contact info. Once I have an idea of how many are interested I can start working on a more concrete plan.

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